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Add a Blog Post Title paper work and deadlines seemed as though they would  never end. When I thought about college, it seemed like it was not real, like it  was a figment of my imagination. I imagined what it would be like, wondering  where I would go. The questions of "What did I want to major in?" and after I  decided that, "What schools had my major?" circled around in my head. When  filling out questionnaires for college searches I was asked about what size  college I preferred, whether I wanted to be in a rural or suburban area. Did I  really know how to answer these questions that would so greatly affect the next  four years of my life?   As the end of my senior year in high school approached, I had to make an  important decision. What school was I going to spend the next few years of my  life at? When the financial aid packages arrived, I was torn between two  colleges. After sitting down with my mother and discussing the advantages and  disadvantages of both schools, I came to my final decision. It seemed like a  year ago I was imagining what college life would be like and suddenly before my  eyes, I would be a college student in a matter of four months.   After attending my summer orientation, I started to adjust to the idea of  college life a little bit more. I met new people, got to know a new area, and  overall became more acquainted with the life I would be living for the next  couple of years. Overall, orientation made college a reality for me.    After orientation, I started asking others around me, and myself, the same  questions most college students ask before they head off and take the big leap.                   

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